mardi 18 octobre 2011

This is where we live

Magnifique stop motion.

"Welcome to our city - to our world - of books. This is where we live.
A film for 4th Estate Publishers' 25th Anniversary. Produced by Apt Studio and Asylum Films.
The film was produced in stop-motion over 3 weeks in Autumn 2008. Each scene was shot on a home-made dolly by an insane bunch of animators; you can see time-lapse films of each sequence being prepared and shot in our other films."

Tu mourras moins bête

Une petite BD mêlant sciences et humour, où tout devient simple et surtout très drôle.
Premier tome sorti le 22 septembre.
Voici son Blog (vous pourrez y voir des extraits et bien sur pleins d'autres choses). Bonne visite !

lundi 17 octobre 2011